b. Adjustments.
volts, dc supply located on top center of main
assembly.) (4) No further adjustments can be made.
(1) Remove screws securing main assembly
to protective case.
8. Final Procedure. a. Deenergize unit under test
disconnect dc voltmeter, and reinstall main assembly in
protective case.
(2) Carefully remove unit under test from
protective case.
b. In accordance with TM 38-750, annotate and
(3) Rotate voltage adjust potentiometers
System). When the unit under test cannot be adjusted
(located on power supply circuit cards) on power
to within tolerance, annotate and affix DA Form 2417
supplies to obtain indications on dc voltmeter within the
(Unserviceable Limited Use).
limits specified in table 2. (+18 volts, dc supply located
on bottom, rear of main assembly and -18