TB 11-6625-821-35
(8) Connect the wires from pins C and D of the connector on the fabricated cable to
Voltmeter power connector must be removed from ground to
eliminate the possibility of shorting out the 26 volts, 400 cps
from Static Power Inverter CV-2128/ARN-83.
(9) Set the DC POWER switch of the unit under test to ON.
(10) Manually rotate the BEARING INDICATOR needle to N.
(11) A null will be observed on voltmeter with the BEARING INDICATOR needle to
(12) If the BEARING INDICATOR performs properly, disconnect the equipment,
replace the front cover on the BEARING INDICATOR, connect the units removed to the
proper cables, and replace Direction Finder Control C-6899/ARN-83 and the BEARING
INDICATOR in the unit under test. If it does not meet specifications, leave the equipment
connected and proceed with the adjustment procedures.
b. Adjustment Procedure
(1) Manually rotate the BEARING INDICATOR for a null indication on voltmeter.
A 360 degree rotation of the BEARING INDICATOR needle
will produce two nulls 180 degrees from each other-, To
determine which is the correct null, measure the ac voltage
between the wires from pins B and D of the connector on the
fabricated cable. This ac voltage will be less than 26 volts
when the BEARING INDICATOR needle is set to correct null.
(2) When the BEARING INDICATOR needle is set to the correct null, loosen the
three synchro clamps holding synchro B2 to the synchro housing.
(3) Rotate the entire synchro until the BEARING INDICATOR needle points to N.
(4) Tighten the three synchro clamps holding synchro B2 to the synchro housing.
(5) Set the DC POWER switch on the unit under test to OFF.
(6) Replace the front cover of the BEARING INDICATOR, disconnect the
equipment, connect the units removed to the proper cables and replace the BEARING
INDICATOR Direction Finder Control C-6899/ARN-83 in the unit under test.