TB 9-5120-202-35
a. Remove TI from case.
b. Visually check TI for bent or damaged pointers or needles. Pointers or needles must
have freedom of movement during torque.
c. Remove any dirt or
grime that may
have accumulated around the
trigger or
mechanism by using a stiff, clean brush and wiping with clean rag.
d. Visually check square drive for roundness of corners.
e. Check head and yoke for looseness from measuring element.
f. Secure holding fixture or torque adapter to a stable, rigid work surface.
g. Zero TI, if applicable.
This procedure normally covers calibration in the clockwise
direction. A counterclockwise calibration can be accomplished
by reversing directions outlined in each performance check. It
will be necessary to torque the torque cell full-scale three
times, in the direction of intended operation, prior to
calibration. Torque wrenches will be calibrated by applying
increasing torque only in the clockwise direction, unless
counterclockwise direction is specifically requested by
h. Allow equipment to stabilize at ambient temperature.
i. TIs with
ranges of 12
in-lbs (192 in-oz) or
less; connect torque tester to a
115 V ac
power source. Set power switch to ON and allow unit to warm-up for 30 minutes.
Perform k through q below for TIs with ranges of 12 in-lbs (192 in-oz) or greater.
k. Connect cable supplied with force/torque indicator to appropriate connector on
force/torque indicator and applicable torque cell.
Attach torque cell to holding fixture or torque adapter.
m. Connect force/torque indicator to a
115 V ac
power source. Set power switch to
and allow unit to warm-up for 30 minutes. Select channel 3 by using the CHANNEL +
and keys.
n. Press the F4 key on the force/torque indicator until you see the
soft keys.
soft keys as necessary to select the torque cell for the TI range, direction,
Press the
and serial number being calibrated.
o. Press the F4 key on the force/torque indicator until you see the UNIT soft key.
Press the UNIT soft key as necessary to select the appropriate units to display.
When possible use one torque cell to calibrate entire range of TI.