TB 9-6515-200-35
11. Load Resistance
b. Adjustments
a. Perormance Check
(1) Adjust R108 (429B MOD1) or R106 (429 MOD1)
(1) Connect resistance bridge (A8) across end caps of
on range board until TI meter indicates 400 Ws when
50 OHM LOAD, using leads supplied with resistance
pulsed (R).
(2) Adjust R110 (429B MOD1), R108 (429 MOD1), on
(2) Measure resistance. Resistance bridge will indi-
range board or R26 (429) (fig. 1) until TI meter indicates
cate between 49.75 and 50.25 ohms.
100 Ws when pulsed (R).
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Set TI POWER switch to OFF and RANGE
switch to LOWN 40 Ws.
(2) Connect dc power supply (A3) between paddle
contacts of 50 OHM LOAD, using adapter and cable (B2
and B3).
(3) Connect ac/dc voltmeter (Al) between paddle
contacts of 50 OHM LOAD, using two leads (B4).
(4) Adjust dc power supply output to 10.00 V as
(5) Connect ac/dc voltmeter to TP4 and TPI (fig. 1) of
TI, using leads (B4). Ac/dc voltmeter will indicate be-
tween 0.0995 and 0.1005 V.
(6) Repeat technique of (5) above at TI switch posi-
tions listed in table 6. Ac/dc voltmeter will indicate within
l i m i t s specified.
Figure 2. Defibrillator enemy meter range circuit board -- bottom view
Change 1