TB 9-6625-1966-24
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
Sine wave response
1%, 0.01 Hz to 10 kHz
3%, 10 to 100 kHz
Model 3302A
Single and multiple cycle
Single: Starts on positive or minus phase and changes from 90 to +90
Multiple: Oscillates on positive or negative portion of voltage
Trigger amplitude
Starts and stops oscillations between 0 and 500 mV
Phase lock
Requires at least 10 V p-p to lock with sine wave input
10 , 10 Hz to 10 kHz
Phase dial
20 , 10 to 100 kHz on X10K range
Introduced distortion
<1%, 10 Hz to 10 kHz
<3%, 10 to 100 kHz on X10K range
Model 3304A
Dc offset
Adjustable from -1 to +1 V
Coarse: Adjustable from -16 to +16 V
Offset square wave
>15 V p-p into open circuit
Square wave
<400 ns
<5% overshoot
<1% sag
Range: 0.01 Hz to 100 kHz
1% FS, 0.01 to 1 Hz
< 5% FS, 1 Hz to 100 kHz
Output: >15 V p-p into open circuit
Response: <2%, 0.01 Hz to 10 kHz
<5%, 10 to 100 kHz
Flyback time
<5% = 250 ns
Model 3305A
Sweep width and
Range: 0.1 Hz to 100 kHz
start stop dial
Accuracy: 10%
Sweep mode
Automatic: Sweeps between start and stop frequency settings
Manual: Adjustable to start and stop between settings
Trigger: Sweeps between start and stop frequency settings on
application of an external trigger or front panel pushbutton
Sensitivity: 6 V/decade
Sweep voltage
>15 V p-p into open circuit
Sweep time
Risetime: <10 ms
Falltime: <3 ms
External frequency
Within 5% of final frequency
calibrated below 1 kHz.
calibrated below 20 Hz.