TB 9-6665-285-15
bb. The
report should indicate, clearly, a
correction factor for each calibration
point as well as an average correction factor of each meter range calibrated.
cc. For meters, which can be calibrated with multiple probes, a separate report
page should be issued for each probe.
dd. If
any part of
the calibration is
electronic, it
should be
documented on
the report.
6. A label, which indicates calibration source radioisotope, probe window
condition, and dedicated check source reading and geometry, shall be attached to all
MEDICAL instruments. See example below for a typical label.
Isotope Cs 137
Window Closed
Check source indicates 3.2 mR/hr
Check source distance 1 cm
7. ACTIVE-type instruments, which exceed 10 percent calculated value of the
standard, are considered unserviceable for these categories.
(b) TACTICAL instruments.
1. Always record or take note of readings before making any adjustments.
2. Adjust RADIAC instrument readings to correct values where RADIAC
instrument is outside of tolerance.
3. Render the calibrations outlined in appropriate TM's and TB's. Normally
TACTICAL instruments will be given one calibration point per scale. When a gamma
source is used in lieu of the AN/UDM2 RADIAC calibrator, the calibration point should be
approximately 80 percent of full scale.
(3) Annotate DA Label 80 (US Army Calibrated Instrument) or DA Label 163 (US
Army Limited or Special Calibration) in accordance with TB 750-25, Appendix C, and the
following instructions:
(a) ACTIVE-type instruments.
1. DA Label 80 is used when all instrument ranges were properly calibrated
2. DA Label 163 is:
aa. Used when any of
the requirements of
paragraph 6 b
(3) (a) above cannot be
bb. Annotated in Blocks 7a and 7b, with the information that required its use.
See example below for a typical ACTIVE-type instrument. (It is unlikely any given RADIAC
instrument would have as many annotations.)
1,000 mR/hr range
2 mR/hr range
Single calibr pt
sliding shutter open1
Where, in this example, "sliding shutter open" was requested on DA Form 2402.