TM 9-4935-294-15/2
A10528557, as applicable and required, to all screws not
(3) Obtain four replacement male connector
contacts 7923076. Obtain installation and crimping tool
Disassembly and Assembly of Connector
Bracket Assembly.
Note. To install the male connector contacts follow
the applicable procedures outlined in e (2) (a) below.
(1) Disassembly. To disassemble the connector
(4) Install male connector contact 7 (refer to 13,
procedure for removal of contacts:
(5) Install male connector contact 16 on black
harness (heater) lead.
Note. The following tools are required for the removal
(6) Install male connector contact 19 on red
and reinstallation of contacts:
1) Installation and
harness (helix) lead.
crimping tool 7919871 consisting of crimping tool M10S-
(7) Install male connector contact 23 on orange
1, die S-3, and stop bushing SL-29, 2) extracting tool
harness (collector) lead.
7919872, and 3) knife 7919869.
tube (14) and attach with screws (18) and washers (5).
(a) Examine back of connector. Observe that it
(9) Place BWO tube (14) within rf head chassis
is potted.
Encapsulating compound 7919870,
(41) and aline tube bracket mounting holes with those in
manufactured by General Electric Co., is used. Using
the chassis. Attach with four screws (16), washers (5)
knife 7919869, loosen compound around male connector
and nuts (15).
(10) Connect and resolder the blue harness lead to
terminal 2 on the dispersion PC board assembly (refer to
Caution. Do not damage insulation on any
adjacent conductors.
(11) Install connector bracket assembly (8, fig. 4-
10) on rf head chassis (41) with two screws (9). Apply
(b) Slide extracting tool over male connector
sealing compound 10528558 to two screws (19), then
contact. Push extractor forward sufficiently to depress
contact locking spring.
(12) Connect directional coupler (22) to N
(c) With the contact locking spring in depressed
connector of balun.
position, push extractor through the connector block until
(13) Install clamp (10) and attach to bracket (23)
the contact and attached conductor wire emerge
with screw (9), washer (12), and nut (11).
completely through the rear of the connector. Repeat
(14) Connect and solder the yellow and green
contact extraction procedure for other contacts as
harness leads to connector bracket assembly (8) solder
required. The BWO harness is now free. Remove
connector contacts from the conductors.
(15) Install side cover (1, fig. 4-10) with 10 screws
Note. Connector contacts are crimp-type and must
not be reused.
c. Disassembly of P--band Rf Head. To disassemble
(2) Assembly.
To assemble the connector
the P-band rf head completely, follow the order of
disassembly. Observe the following procedures:
assemble the connector bracket assembly and counter
(a) Installation of contacts.
assembly, refer to e and f, respectively, below.
1. Strip insulation from leads and insert lead
d. Assembly of P-band Rf Head. To assemble the P-
2. Crimp contacts using installation and
crimping tool and inspect resulting joint for mechanical
condition and for electrical con-
Apply sealing compound A10528558 or
Change 1 4-17