T 9-4935-294-15/2
1-Cover, side-7923028
21-Washer, lock, split, helical, no. 6-MS35338-41
2--Screw machine, flat-counter-sunk hd, no. 632, 3/8
22-Washer, flat-MS27183-5
in. Ig, UNC-2A-MS35190-236
23-PC board assembly, shaping network-7923063-1 (for
3--Bracket assy,connector-7923061-5
systems with serial nos. 127 and up; 7923067-8 for
4-Screw,machine,flat-counter-sunk hd, no. 632, 7/16
systems with serial nos. 101-126)
in. lg, UNC-2A-MS35190-237
24-Screw, machine, Pan hd, no. 4-40, 1/4 in. Ig,
5-Tube, BWO, A-band-7923113
6-Nut, plain, hex, machine screw, no. 4-40, UNC-2B-
25-Washer, flat-MS27183-3
26-Handle, bow, brass, nickel plated-M S39087-5
7-Washer, lock, split, helical, no. 2-MS35338-40
27-Screw, machine, pan hd. no. 10-32, 1/2 in. Ig,
8-Screw, machine, pan hd, no. 4-40, 3/4 in. Ig, UNC-
28-Washer, lock, split, helical, no. 10-MS35338-43
9-Screw, machine, pan hd, no. 4-40, 6/8 in. lg, UNC-
30-Panel, front-7923035-2
10-Screw, machine, pan hd. no. 10-32, 3/8 in. Ig,
31-Nut, plain, hex, machine screw, no. 10-24, UNC-
11-Waveguide assy-7923055
32-Washer, lock, split, helical, no. 10-MS3533841
12-Cable assy-Part of 17
33-Screw, machine, pan hd. no. 10-24, 1/2 in. lg,
13-Cable assy-Part of 17
14-Waveguide assy, "Z" bend-7923047-1
34-Washer, nylon-7923098-2
15-Screw, machine, pan hd, no. 6-32, 5/8 in. Ig,
35-Fastener, pawl, modified (and nut)-7923259
plastic, ribbed
16-Washer nylon-7923098-1
37-Bearing, flanged-7923258
18-Coupler, directional-7923153
38--Counter assy, A-band-7923056-8
19-Clamp, loop-plastic, wire support-MS26281-5
39-Support, waveguide-7923044
20-Nut, plain, hex, machine screw, no. 6-32, UNC-fB-
40-Washer, flat-MS27183-6
41-Chassis, rf head-7923027-1
Figure 4-31.--Continued
Perform installation procedures in a location free from
ment. Secure with four washers (7) and four nuts (6). (7)
possible magnetic fields. Use a work surface that is non-
Place assembled tube and waveguide assembly in
proper position within rf head chassis (41) and aline tube
(2) Remove protective cover from the output
brackets with mounting holes. Insert screws through rf
head chassis (41) into the mounting brackets. Do not
(3) Obtain three replacement male
tighten at this time as tube must be free to move.
Note. Tube harness is routed between the bottom of
connector contacts 7923076. Obtain installation and
the chassis and the tube.
crimping tool 7919871.
(8) Carefully aline flange of waveguide assembly
Note. To install the male connector contacts, follow
(11) with flange of directional coupler (18) and
the applicable procedures outlined in paragraph 417 e(2)
waveguide support (89). Insert two screws (8) through
this engagement and secure on the coupler side with two
(4) Install male connector contact 19 (refer to 18,
washers (7) and nuts (6). Insert two screws (9) through
the other side of the waveguide and directional coupler
(5) Install male connector contacts 7 and 16 on
(18) flanges and secure with two washers (7) and two
yellow harness (heater) leads.
nuts (6).
the tube output connector. Attach with four screws (9)
inserted through the waveguide flange and output
Change 1 4-51