minimum chroma (signal level) on 0.5-volt pedestal of
Unless otherwise specified, verify the
(14) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP4539 (fig.
results of each test and, whenever the test
requirement is not met, take corrective
response of the demodulated VIR signal and chroma.
action before continuing with the
(15) Adjust video signal source (A6) for 10
percent APL (average picture level) flat field output. If
8. Timing Circuits. a. Performance Check.
b(8) below.
(16) Adjust TI PEDESTAL DELAY control for
(1) Connect the oscilloscope (A4) to TI TP3308
minimum aberration on waveform approximately 62
microseconds from leading edge of horizontal sync
(2) If dc level indicated on oscilloscope exceeds
+20 millivolts, perform b(l) below.
(17) Adjust TI PEDESTAL START control for
(3) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP3250 (fig.
minimum aberration on waveform approximately 11
microseconds from leading edge of horizontal sync
If width of displayed pulse is not 4 +0.2 microseconds,
perform b(2) below.
(18) Adjust video signal source for 0 APL flat
controls to midrange.
zero, perform b(8) below.
(5) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP3385 (fig.
3).If width of displayed pulse is not 11 +1 microseconds,
b. Adjustments (1) Adjust L3400 (fig. 3) for oscilloscope
perform b(3) below.
indication of zero volt dc (R).
(6) Connect oscilloscope probe to P3912-3 (fig.
3) (7) Adjust oscilloscope to
display horizontal sync pulse
(2) Adjust R3624 (fig. 3) for 4-microsecond
and position leading edge of pulse at second vertical
pulse width (R).
graticule line.
(3) Adjust R3156 (fig. 3) for 11-microsecond
(8) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP3876 (fig.
pulse width (R).
3).If trailing edge of displayed pulse is not 8.5 +0.5
(4) Adjust R3282 (fig. 3) until trailing edge of
microseconds from second vertical graticule line,
displayed pulse is 8 microseconds from second vertical
perform b(4) below.
graticule line (R).
(9) Repeat (6) and (7) above.
(5) Adjust R3534 (fig. 3) until leading edge of
(10) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP4141 (fig.
displayed pulse is 17 microseconds from second vertical
3). If
leading edge of
displayed pulse is
not 17
graticule line (R).
microseconds from second vertical graticule, perform
(6) Adjust R3438 (fig. 3) until trailing edge of
b(5) below; if trailing edge is not 32 +0.5 microseconds
displayed pulse is 32 microseconds from second vertical
from second vertical graticule, perform b(6) below.
graticule line (R).
(11) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP4139 (fig.
(7) Adjust R3540 (fig. 3) until trailing edge of
3). f
trailing edge of
displayed pulse is
not 46 +1
displayed pulse is 46 microseconds from second vertical
microseconds from second vertical graticule line,
graticule line (R).
perform b(7) below.
(8) Adjust R5404 (fig. 4) for zero APL indication
(12) Connect oscilloscope probe to TP4505 (fig.
on oscilloscope (R).
(13) Adjust oscilloscope to display VIR (vertical
interval reference) signal. Adjust L4378 (fig. 3) for