Figure 3. Test instrument connectors J1 and J4
Figure 4 Negative and positive error adjustment
(3) Set the POWER switch to ON and allow 5
b. Adjustments.
minutes for warm-up.
(1) Deenergize test instrument and remove
TS-2354/ARM-109 from protective case, if not previ-
(4) The TORQUE meter shall indicate between
ously removed.
0.39 and 0.41.
(5) Disconnect amplifier panel from 115V, 400 Hz
(2) Energize test instrument and adjust (R11)
(fig. 4) for an indication of +0.100 on the electronic
power source.
(6) Reinstall amplifier in test instrument carry-
(3) Carefully insert test instrument amplifier in
ing case.
carrying case.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
11. Self-Test Circuit. a.
Performance Check.
12. Meter
Check. a.
Performance Check.
(1) Set test instrument POWER switch to OFF.
(1) Set test instrument (or Discriminator Panel) in
Check for an indication on the TORQUE meter of 0.0
an upright position.
to +0.01 inch ounce (two needle widths is approxi-
mately 0.01 inch ounce).
(2) Connect meter test set (A3) to the appropriate
pin (fig. 3) of connector J4 (common to ground) as
(2) Turn test instrument OFF/SELF-TEST/ON
switch to SELF-TEST.
shown in table 3.