TB 11-6625-2937-35
Section I.
Test Instrument Identification
Input power
requirements ------ AC: 115+5 V ac line-to-
a. This technical bulletin provides calibrator
neutral, 3 phase, 4 wire,
procedures for Test Set, Electronic Systems AN/UKM-5.
400 Hz at 50 watts
The AN/UKM-5 is used for bench testing, aligning,
DC: +5V, 5; amperes; +15
calibrating, and troubleshooting the following equipment:
V, 100 milliamperes; +15
(1) Transmitting Set, Radar Data AN/AKT- 18B
V, 1 ampere and -15 V, 1
(Encoder, Video KY-865/AKT-18B).
(2) Receiving Set, Radar Data AN/TKQ-2B
DC voltage output _+_ 50.1 V
(Decoder, Video KY-871/TKQ-2B).
+15+0.1 V
(3) Test Set, Electronic Systems AN/UKM-5
+28t0.2 V
(Test Set, Electronic Systems TS-3796,'UKM-4).
AC voltage output 115+5 V ac line-to-neutral,
b. The AN/UKM-5 contains two major com-
ponents which require calibration: Test Set, Electronic
3 phase, 4 wire, 400 Hz
Systems AN/UYM-7 (digital tester) and Test Set,
Electronic Systems TS-3796,'UKM-4 (control-interface
2. Calibration Description
unit). When interconnected they function as a single
operating unit. The digital tester (fig. 1) supplies the test
Table 1 lists the parameters to be
calibrated and the
number being run, test stimuli and module test power to
performance specifications for the control-interface unit.
the control-interface unit (fig. 2). The test number input
is a verification check for proper switch settings on the
Table 1. Calibration Description
control-interface unit. The control interface unit, through
switching devices, supplies the test power and stimuli
Performance specifications
logic card being tested. Digital outputs from the card
Dc voltage output levels
+5+0.1 V
being tested are supplied to the control interface unit,
+15+0.1 V
which feeds this data back to the digital tester for
+28+0.2 V
comparison. Procedures for calibrating and testing the
Processor test clock output
4 MHz1000 Hz.
digital tester are provided in TM 11-6625-2951-13.
Additional data on the control-interface unit is listed
+ 100 msec.
Test Set, Electronic Systems
System test clock output
4 MHz_1000 Hz.
TS-3796/'UKM-4 (control-
interface unit)
3. Calibration Reporting
13.76 x 17.25 x 17.30 inches
a. Forms, records, and reports required for
37 pounds
calibration personnel at all levels are prescribed in TM
TM 11-6625-2937-13
TM 11-6625-2937-23P
annotated in accordance with TM 38-750 for each
calibration performed.
b. Adjustments to be reported on DA Form 2416
are designated (R) at the end of the sentence in which
they appear. Report only those adjustments made and
designated with (R).