TB 11-6625 -3263-25
Condition Codes Continued
No type designator assigned. Commercial make and model number
appears in Type Designator column.
This item is part of the AN/USM-260.
Item will not be removed from the field at this time, however, item is
replaceable by TEMOD item. This item will be LCC B (if type classified) and
is technically suitable for retention against authorizations for the standard
TEMOD LCC A item. (i.e., Objective is to fill shortages with suitable item
pending availability of LCC-A item.)
Item does not have a LIN; however, item is capable of being replaced by
TEMOD item and will eventually be removed from the field by attrition. Unit
should take action to update authorization documents to include TEMOD
item. (i.e., Objective is to get MTOE's/TDA's updated.) Following formal
authorization and requisition, the TEMOD item will be issued.