TB 11-6625 -3263-25
Condition Codes Replacement Lists Continued
Subject item is a plug in unit used with Tektronix 7000 series mainframes.
If the 7000 series mainframe is used only with the PL-1392/U, then the
mainframe shall be removed from the field with the PL-1392/u. If the
mainframe is used with other plug -ins, then the unit shall retain the
mainframe but still remove the PL-1392/U from the field.
The AN/USM-489(V)1 can replace the IP -1216(P)/GR when used with the
plug-in configurations listed below and when the SG-1125/U is not
required to be used in conjunction with the PL-1406/U. Configurations
replaceable by AN/USN-489(V)1:
Part of AN/GRM -32.
Plug-in IF section removed from the field only when unit does not have
the PL-1387/U or the PL-1399/U.
a) Units authorized an AN/URM -206 and/or an AN/URM -44 and/or an
AN/URM -44A and/or an SG-944 in addition to any ot her item on the
SG-1219's replacement list without condition codes will receive an
SG-1219 (quantity received will be determined by a bench top analysis).
Units authorized an AN/URM -206 only will retain it.
b) Units authorized an AN/URM -44 and/or an AN/URM -44A and/or an
SG-944 without having authorization for any other item on the SG -1219's
replacement list without condition codes will receive an AN/URM-206.
The AN/URM -206's removed from the field as a result of a) will be
redistributed to those units described in b).
Units authorized an SG-1174 and/or an AN/URM -52 and/or an AN/URM -
170 in addition to any other item on the SG-1219's replacement list
without condition codes will receive an SG -1219. Units authorized any
combinations of the above mentioned three pieces of TMDE without
having authorization for any other item on the SG-1219's replacement list
without condition codes will not receive an SG -1219.
This is a power sensor used with one of the power meters being replaced
by the AN/USM-491. The power sensor shall be turned in with the power
meter. No AN/USM -491 will be issued with the return of a power sensor
This item is also replaceable by the SG -1170. Issue SG-1144 until stock
is exhausted. No additional procurements for SG-1144's are anticipated.
Replaced by SG -1144 (or SG -1170, see E54) when used in all
applications other than FM radio repair. When used to repair FM radios,
the AN/GRM-114A can replace this item at bench positions designated for
the AN/GRM-114A.
Replaced by AN/GRM -114A only when used for FM radio repair. In all
other cases this item is replaced by SG-1144.