TB 11-6625 -3263-25
Condition Codes Replacement Lists Continued
Depending upon power sensor used with basic power meter, the TS -3793
may exceed the power range or frequency range of the AN/USM -491.
The AN/USM-491 measures power from 100 nW to 1 W without any
additional attenuators; with attenuator supplied, the AN/USM -491 can
measure power to 5 watts at frequencies from 100 kHz to 18 GHz. An
additional sensor not supplied with the AN/USM-491 but available from
Army Inventory, will measure power from -30 dBm (W) to +20 dBm
(100 mW) at frequencies from 18 GHz to 26.5 GHz (sensor is Boonton
#4200 -SG). Before replacing the TS -3793 with the AN/USM -491, check
power and frequency measurement requirements.
HP-302A wave analyzer family: frequency range is 20 Hz to 50 kHz, with
input amplitude range from 30 microvolts to 300 volts full scale. High input
impedance from 100 kohms to 1 megohm. May be powered by 18 to 24
VDC battery source. Companion external sweep drive (HP -297A)
available. TEMOD item frequency range is 50 Hz to 32.5 MHz, with input
amplitude range from -120 to +20 dBm and input impedances of 75, 124,
135, 600 and 10 k ohms. TEMOD item cannot be powered by battery
source. HP -302A family similar to TS -1830, A, C, D/U and TS -1827/U.
HP-310A, B wave analyzer family: input impedance 10 k, 30 k and 100
kohms, with input amplitude range from 10 microvolts to 100 volts full
scale; selectivity filter BW = 200, 1000, 3000 Hz. Companion external
mechanical sweep drive (HP -297A) available. TEMOD item input
impedances: 75, 124, 135, 600 and 10 k ohms; input amplitude range
from -120 dbm to +20 dBm; selectivity filter BW = 20, 400, 31 00 Hz and
C-MSG weighing. HP -310A, B similar to TS -2333A/USM.
HP-312A, B selective voltmeter family: input impedance 50 to 600 ohms;
selectivity filter BW = 200, 1000, 3100 Hz. TEMOD item input impedances
75, 124, 135, 600 and 10 k ohms; selectivity filter BW = 20, 400, 3100 Hz
and C-MSG weighing. HP -312A, B similar to TS -3066(V)/U family.
HP-3581A wave analyzer: frequency range is 15 Hz to 50 kHz; input
impedance 1 megohm; input amplitude range 100 nanovolts to 30 volts
full scale and -150 to +30 dBm or dbv; selectivity BW = 3, 10, 30, 100,
300 Hz; X Y recorder outputs; Internal battery and charging circuit;
portable. TEMOD item frequency range from 50 Hz to 32.5 MHz with
input impedances of 75, 124, 135, 600 and 10 k ohms; input amplitude
from -120 to +20 dBm; selectivity filter BW = 20, 400, 3100 Hz and
C-MSG weighing.
impedance 600, 900, 10 k, 1 megohm; input amplitude range is 100
nanovolts to 30 volts full scale and -150 dbm to +30 dbm or dBV;
selectivity BW = 3, 10, 30, 100, 300 Hz; X Y recorder outputs; sweep
capability; Internal battery and charging circuit; portable. TEMOD item
frequency range is 50 Hz to 32.5 MHz with input impedances of 75, 124,
135, 600 and 10 k ohms; input amplitude from -120 to +20 dBm;
selectivity filter BW = 20, 400, 3100 Hz and C-MSG weighing.
HP-3856B, 003, 004, selective level meter: similar to AN/USM-490 with
different signal input connectors.