Table 5. Rf Circuit Values
Adjust each potentiometer for best results at each
group of settings.
(2) If R7708 or R7611 is adjusted, recheck
previous switch positions in that group until all in-
dications are within the prescribed tolerances. (R)
13. Final Procedure.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all test equipment,
and install unit under test in protective cover.
b. In accordance with TM 38-750, annotate and
*Use calibrated rf output of Signal Generator AN/URM-25( ) ter-
tion System), When the unit under test cannot be
minated into 50 ohms.
adjusted to within tolerance, annotate and affix DA
b. Adjustments.
f o r m 2417 (Unserviceable or Limited Use
(1) Make adjustments as listed in table 5.