Table 1. Calibration Description -
Heading-Radio Bearing Indicator ID-1351(*) is
Performance specifications
TI parameters
adjusted, repaired, and aligned at depot avionics
XMTR No. 1 at 0
Radio bearing pointer
maintenance shops only. Under no circum-
Radio bearing pointer at S, ADF
stances will the personnel performing the
pointer tracks XMTR 2
Mechanical alignment: When unit
Steering indicator (M1)
calibration break the seal on the ID-1351(*).
is horizontal M1 is aligned with
a. Model Variations. ID-1351(*) refers to
center dot
ID-1351/A, ID-1351A/A or ID-1351B/A. Externally all
Electrical alignment: With 7520
amps M1 indicates at first
models is identical,
dot. With 150 12 amps M1
is aligned with 2nd dot.
b. Time and Technique. The time required for this
Mechanical alignment: When unit
Station approach indicator (M2)
calibration is approximately 3 hours, using the technique
is horizontal M2 aligns with up-
described herein.
per dot
2. Calibration Data Card (DA Form 2416). Forms,
Electrical alignment: With 7520
records, and reports required for calibration personnel at
amps M2 indicates at center
of first dot, with 15012
all levels are prescribed by TM 38-750. DA Form 2416
amps M2 indicates center of
must be annotated in accordance with TM 38-750 for
second dot.
each calibration performed.
Signal strength meter (M3)
All black indication: With 22 or
3. Calibration Description. TI parameters and perform-
less volts applied
ance specifications which pertain to this calibration are
Alternate black and white indica-
tion: With 0.5 volt applied.
As M4 just starts to move out of
Power warning indicator (M4)
Table 1. Calibration Description
dicate 20 or more volts. With
M4 fully out of sight
meet or exceed the minimum use specifications listed in
4. Equipment Required. Table 2 identifies the specific
equipment used in this calibration procedure. This equip-
one ratio between the standard and the TI.
ment is available in avionics repair facilities, and is to be
5. Accessories
Required. The accessories required in ta-
used in performing this procedure. Alternate items may
ble 2 are issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above and are
be used by the calibrating activity when the equipment
to be used in this calibration procedure when necessary.
listed in table 2 is not available. The items selected must
These items may be substituted by equivalent items unless
be verified to perform satisfactorily prior to use and must
specifically prohibited.
bear evidence of current calibration. The equipment must
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of
Equipment Required
Manufacturer, model,
Minimum use
and part number
Common name
Simulator, Gyro Compass, signal SM-486/ASN,
outputs, three-wire synchro type, adjustable
with correction chart.
through 360 and set table to 1 minute of arc.
Range: 0 to 26 Vac
Multimeter ME-30/U
Accuracy: 5%
Range volts 0-40 Vdc
Multimeter AN/USM-223
amperes, 0-230 a
ohms, 0-100 k ohms
Accuracy: 5%
Power supply PP-4838/U
Range: volts, 0-40 Vdc
amperes, 0-230 a
Accuracy: N/A