*TB 43-177
Run. A sequential group of observations in a
test procedure or measurement design.
a. This bulletin applies to all
g. Test. A process by which data is accumulated
participate in the US Army Volt Program.
to serve as a basis for assessing the degree that a
system meets, exceeds, or fails to meet the technical or
b. This bulletin applies specifically to the following
operational specifications assigned to the system.
saturated cell models:
h. Measurement. The process of comparing an
(1) Standard
Enclosure, Eppley Laboratories, Inc., Model 106-4 (APN
instrument or test system to an accepted standard.
Measurement Design. A design selected to
(2) Saturated standard cell Enclosure,
intercompare a group of standards.
Designs are
Guildline Instruments, Inc., Model 9154 ( ) (all models).
selected to provide maximum information with a
minimum number of observations.
3. Definitions. In addition to the definitions in AR 750-
25 and AR 310-25, the Following definitions apply:
Thermal EMF. The thermoelectric potential
generated by leads and/or binding posts of the reference
a. Saturated Standard Cell. A chemical cell in
device when connected into a circuit with pure copper
which the electrolyte is kept ;saturated at all times by the
presence of an excess of solid crystals.
k. Calibration and Repair Center (CRC). A
b. Transport Standard. A group of standard
functional organization established for the purpose of
cells used to compare the unit of voltage maintained at
providing single source Calibration and Repair Service
one location to that maintained at another location. A
(C&RS) for general purpose and selected special
transport standard can either be used to calibrate a
purpose TMDE.
reference standard or to disseminate the colt from the
reference standard to other lower level standards.
4. General.
Figure 1 indicates an
ideal flow of
the volt
within the calibration system. It indicates an ideal
c. Reference Group. A designated group of
traceability chain from the "Legal Volt" at the National
cells used only for maintaining the volt in a calibration
Bureau of Standards (NBS) to the lowest level of the
facility. This group is lot normally used in performing
Army Calibration System. As the chart indicates, the US
routine calibrations.
Army Volt is linked to the US Legal Volt at NBS with
procedures of the NBS Volt Transfer Program and
transportable standard cell enclosures. The CRC Volt is
d. Working Group. A designated group of cells
linked to the US Army Volt at the APSL with procedures
which may be used as a standard for performing routine
of this technical bulletin and transportable standard cell
calibrations in a calibration facility.
enclosures supplied and controlled by the APSL. Local
surveillance of cells in the reference and working groups
e. Observation. A noted occurrence involving a
at the CRC will be performed in accordance with
measurement with a standard or test system. An
observation is the simplest piece of information (data)
that has independent significance in a calibration.