TB 55-4920-431-35
Section IV
Unless otherwise specified, verify the result
of each test and; whenever the test requirement
is not met, take corrective action before
to calibrate TI are included in this procedure.
Additional maintenance information is con-
tained in TM 55-4920-431-13 for this TI.
Speed Indicator.
Performance Check.
(1) Set TI REMOTE switch to the UP position.
(2) Set TI MASTER POWER switch to ON.
(3) Adjust test oscillator (A3) Amplitude control for 3 Yolts output and
frequency controls for an indication of 20% RPM on TI Speed Indicator. Electronic
taunter (A2) will indicate between 840Hz and 1027Hz. If not, perform b(1) thru (4)
(4) Adjust test oscillator frequency controls for each TI % RPM speed
indications as listed in table 5. Electronic counter will indicate within the limits
specified. If not, perform b(1) thru (5) below as required.
(5) Set TI POWER to OFF.
(6) Disconnect leads from adapter box (C1) connection A.
(1) Remove TI instrument panel from case and disconnect cable connector from
(2) Remove 4 mounting screws from FREQ/ANALOG CONVERTER and pull out of case.
(3) Remove 8 screws from back cover of FREQ/ANALOG CONVERTER' cable connector.
(4) Adjust test oscillator for 5599Hz indication on electronic counter.
Adjust potentiometer R2 on TI FREQ/ANALOG CONVERTER as shown in figure 2 for 120%
RPM indication on TI. Repeat technique 9A(3) above.
(5) Repeat technique 9a(4) above.