TB 55-5210-252-35/1
Nomenclature: Vernier height gage
Part number: 454
Federal stock number: 5210-067-7118
Manufacturer: Starrett Company
Time required: 1 hour
Technique: Physical
Model variations: 12, 18, and 24 inches
3. Calibration description. Test instrument parameter and performance specifications which pertain to this calibration
Table 1. Calibration Description
Test Instrument parameters
Performance Specifications
.001 inch per 12 inches of
beam length
Height measurement
1 to 12 inch
1.5 to 18 inch
2 to 24 inch
4. Forms and records. Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are to be
used by
calibration personnel
at all calibration levels are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750. Annotate DA Form 2416 (Calibration Data
Card) in accordance with TM 38-750.
5. Reporting of errors. The reporting of errors, omissions, and recommendations for improving this publication
by the individual user is encouraged. Reports should be submitted on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changed to DA
Publication) and forwarded direct to Commanding General, US Army Aviation Systems Command, ATTN: AMSAV-R-M,
PO Box 209, St. Louis, Missouri 63166.
6. Equipment required. Table 2
identifies the specific equipment used in
this calibration procedure.
Minimum use specifications are the principal parameters
required for performance of the calibration, and are in-
cluded to assist in the selection of alternate equipment,
which may be used at the discretion of the calibrating
activity. Satisfactory performance of alternate items
shall be verified prior to use. All applicable equipment
must bear evidence of current calibration.
Table 2. Minimum Specifications of Equipment Required.
Item Number
Minimum Use Specifications
1Calibration Equipment
Surface Plate
.00025 flatness
Fed. Spec. GGG-P-463B
Gage Block Set
Accuracy: .00025
Fonda Gage, Gr B, 81 PCS
Range: .050 to 4.000 in.
Gage Block Set
Accuracy: .00025
Fonda Gage, Gr B, 8 PCS
Range: 5.000 to 20.000 in.
The calibration equipment utilized in this procedure was selected from those known to be available at Department of
Defense facilities, and the listing by make or model number carries no implication of preference, recommendation, or
approval by the Department of Defense for use by other agencies. It is recognized that equivalent equipment produced
by other manufacturers may be capable of equally satisfactory performance in the procedure.