TB 9-4931-393-24
Q8 (fig. 2) which is at junction with R53 (fig. 2). If multimeter does not indicate between
+17.748 and 17.752 Vdc, perform b (2) below.
Float multimeter. The negative side of A1C5 is at -30 Vdc.
between +12.5495 and +12.5525 Vdc, perform b (3) below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust A1R14 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain multimeter indication of -30.00 Vdc (R).
(2) Adjust A1R17 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain indication of +17.750 Vdc on multimeter (R).
(3) Adjust A1R19 (fig. 1 or 2) to obtain indication of +12.551 V dc on multimeter (R).
Resolution of potentiometers may not permit exact settings
specified in (2) and (3) above. If the voltage is set to the high
side within limits for the 100 ohm adjustment, set the voltage
to the high side within limits for the 200 ohm adjustment, even
if it is possible to obtain a setting closer to the exact setting on
the low side.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment, remove short from POWER METER
terminals and reinstall protective covers on TI if necessary.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.