TB 9-4931-444-35
Chopped mode .......................................................................................................................
Pulse amplitude .......................................................................................................................
Pulse repetition rate (S/N 3994 and below)..............................................................................
Pulse repetition rate (SIN 3995 and above) .............................................................................
Final procedure .......................................................................................................................
b. Time and Technique. The time required for
1. Test Instrument Identification
this calibration is approximately 2 hours, using the de
This bulletin provides instructions for the calibration
of Calibration Adapter, Tektronix Types TU-7, 1MI, 067-
2. Calibration Data Card, DA Form 2416
0521-00, and 067-0521-01.
The manufacturer's
instruction manuals were used as the prime data source
in compiling these instructions. Sections I and II provide
Forms, records, and reports required for
instructions for all levels of calibration. Sections III and
calibration personnel at all levels are prescribed by TM
IV pertain to level A only, and sections V and VI apply to
38-750, DA Form 2416 must be annotated in accordance
level C only. The equipment being calibrated will be
with TM 38-750 for each calibration performed.
b. Adjustments to be reported on DA Form 2416 are
referred to as the `T"I (test instrument) throughout this
designated at the end of the sentence in which they
appear. When adjustments are in tables, the will
follow the designated adjustment. Report only those
above are electrically similar instruments.
adjustments made and designated with .
designator of TU-7 becomes type IMI at S/N 500. IMI
becomes type 067-0521-00 at S/N 1387, and 067-0521-
00 becomes type 067-0521-01 at S/N 4000. On type
3. Calibration Description
067-0521-01, the REPETITION RATE (LOW, MED,
HIGH) switch is replaced with a five-position (1, 4, 15,
TI parameters and performance specifications
80, and 500 kHz) switch. Some types use a UHF
which pertain to this calibration are listed in table 1.
connector for the EXT INPUT.
Table 1. Calibration Description
Test Instrument Parameters
Performance Specifications
Power input requirements
Variable control'
Range: 0.5-v p-p signal must be variable from 0 to 0.6 cm or more
Chopped rate'
Range: 100 kHz; accuracy 25%. Signal applied to EXT INPUT attenuated
approx1000 times.
+ and - pulse amplitude
Range: No more than 3 cm amplitude at min, or no less than 5.5 cm amplitude at
max of vert display.
Repetition rate
Range: Low, 5 kHz 25%; medium, 100 kHz +20% for S/N 1409 to 3999 or 120
kHz 20% for SIN 100 to 1408; high, 600 kHz 20%. S/N 4000 and above has a
5-position range switch.
Overshoot ringing
Range: 4-cm display; accuracy t2% of total height of square wave
Range: Input signal ratio of 250:1; accuracy, _ I %
Rise time
3 nsec or less
Adjusts amplitude of pulse applied to oscilloscope vert ampl when TEST
FUNCTION switch is set to + PULSE or -PULSE.
Vertical position
Controls vert position of trace or display on crt in all TEST FUNCTION positions
+ 225V pushbutton
Provides + 225 v at front panel output
+ 225V (banana jack)
+ 225 v source for checking dc bal of each state of
distributed vert ampl.
Accuracy, 2%.
`This specification Is for Information only and is not verified in this bulletin.