TB 9-4931-491-35
(9) Note that single frequency markers should have no spurious markers
throughout the sweep range. Harmonic type markers may have small spurious markers at
one-half or one-third the specified marker interval.
(10) Readjust TI and oscilloscope controls to obtain display shown in figure 2.
(11) Set MARKER SIZE switch to the down position.
(12) Set MARKER TILT switch to the up position.
(13) If markers are not at least 12 V p-p, perform b below.
(14) Note that the birdy (notch) marker is adjustable from 12 V p-p vertical marker
to a horizontal marker equal to 10 percent of the horizontal deflection.
b. Adjustments
Use extreme care when probing M5H connector. If too much
pressure is applied, damage to connector may result.
(1) Readjust TI and oscilloscope controls to obtain display shown in figure 2.
(2) Disconnect SWEEP SAMPLE OUT connector from M5H (fig. 3) module and
remove input to RF out.
(3) Connect cable assembly to SWEEP SAMPLE OUT on M5H.
(4) Adjust M5H SWEEP SAMPLE ADJ (fig. 3) for a detected output of 0.035 V (R).
(5) Remove bottom cover.
(6) Locate the size control for each marker module.
(7) Adjust the size control on each marker module until the amplitude of the
markers does not increase.
Increasing the size adjustment beyond this point will cause
spurious markers to appear on the display.
(8) Repeat a (10) through (14) above.
a. Performance Check
(1) Reconnect equipment as shown in figure 1 with signal generator disconnected.
(2) Reset controls as specified in 7 c above.
(3) Readjust oscilloscope controls to obtain display shown in figure 2.