TB 9-4931-504-50
(1) Set CH1 VOLTS/DIV switch to 50 mV.
(2) Press CH1 pushbutton and set DELAYING SWEEP and DELAYED SWEEP
to 1 S.
(3) Connect test oscillator (A7) output to CH1 INPUT, using cable (B4).
divisions of vertical deflection.
(5) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable display.
(6) Alternately press and release +SLOPE pushbutton. If display does not
remain stable and white dot on TRIGGERING LEVEL control does not indicate between
11- and 1-o'clock positions, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Set TRIGGERING LEVEL control to 12-o'clock position and
adjust R212 (fig. 1) for stable display while pressing and releasing +SLOPE button.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect signal generator (A5) output to CH1 INPUT, using adapter and cable
(B3 and B4).
(2) Press HF SYNC and +SLOPE pushbuttons.
switch to 2 nS.
of vertical deflection.
(5) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable display on oscilloscope (A3).
If display will not stabilize, perform b below.
b. Adjustments
(1) Connect digital voltmeter (A2) negative lead to base of Q201 and positive lead
to base of Q202 (fig. 1), using leads and adapters supplied with digital voltmeter.
(2) Adjust R530 (fig. 1) for 0 (zero) voltage indication on digital voltmeter.
(3) Connect test oscillator (A7) output to CH1 INPUT, using cable (B4).
divisions of vertical deflection.
(5) Adjust TRIGGERING LEVEL control for stable display.
(6) Alternately press and release +SLOPE pushbutton. If display does not
remain stable and white dot on TRIGGERING LEVEL control does not indicate between
11- and 1-o'clock positions, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Set TRIGGERING LEVEL control to 12-o'clock position and
adjust R212 (fig. 1) for stable display while pressing and releasing +SLOPE pushbutton.