TB 9-4931-533-40
Figure 2. Attenuation accuracy and dynamic range (0.01 to 18 GHz) - equipment setup.
(11) Remove 6 dB attenuator and repeat (7) through (10) above substituting 20, 30,
and 60 dB attenuators.
(12) Repeat (4) through (7) above changing RESOLUTION to .1 dB.
(13) Connect 30 and 60 dB attenuators in series and connect at attenuator insertion
point. Press TI RUN pushbutton.
(14) Verify that TI display does, not display OUT OF RANGE and TI completes run.
Step (14) is for dynamic range only, disregard tolerances. If TI
displays OUT OF RANGE for any frequency, perform (1) and
(2) above for that frequency and rerun.
(15) Substitute TI low band probes for high band probes, signal generator No. 1 for
signal generator No. 2, and repeat technique of (1) through (14) above at start frequency of
0.6 GHz and stop frequency of 1.5 GHz and any other frequency points certified on
attenuator test reports (below 2 GHz).
b. Adjustments. No adjustment can be made.