TB 9-5220-212-40
(d) Repeat technique of (b) and (c) above, increasing station numbers by 1, for
each operation.
(16) Values calculated in (a) through (c) below for columns 6, 7, and 8 applied only to
(a) Values for column 6 are calculated as indicated in 1 through 4 below:
1 Divide value of last station in column 5 by number of stations (do not
count station 0). Round off to less than 4 significant digits and change sign.
2 Enter value determined in (1) above in column 6 for station 1. Round off
number to nearest whole number.
3 Multiply value determined in 1 above by 2, round off to nearest whole
number, and enter in column 6 for station 2.
4 Complete values for column 6 by multiplying value recorded in 1 above
by respective station number, rounding off to nearest whole number, and entering product
in column 6 for that station.
(b) Algebraically add value in column 5 to value in column 6 and enter in
column 7.
(c) Calculate column 8 values for diagonal lines as indicated in 1 through 4 below:
1 Enter value of 0 for center station in column 8.
2 Change sign of center station value in column 7.
3 Add value of (2) above to column 7, station 0, and record sum in column 8
for station 0.
4 Repeat 3 above by adding value found in 2 above to each station in
column 7 and recording results in column 8.
(17) Calculate values for columns 6 and 7 in table 4 for north perimeter line (west to
east) as indicated in (a) through (f) below:
(a) Enter value from table 6, diagonal (northwest to southeast), column 8,
station 0 to table 4 north perimeter line (west to east), columns 6 and 7, stations 0.
This is the northwest corner.
When tying the lines together, station 0 and the last station
values of connecting lines may be reversed from this example.
Note direction in which line runs and always tie in with
appropriate end values.
(b) Enter value from table 6 diagonal (northeast to southwest), column 8,
station 0 in table 4 north perimeter line (west to east), column 7 for last station.
(c) Enter in column 6 for last station, the difference between last stations of
columns 5 and 7, using appropriate sign so that column 5 plus column 6 will equal column 7.
(d) Subtract value of column 6 last station from station 0, divide by number of
stations (not counting station 0), and change sign of answer.