TB 9-6625-1098-35
High pass filter (Hewlett-Packard Models 333A
and 334A).................................................................
Low pass filter (Hewlett-Packard Model 334A
option 002) ...............................................................
Voltmeter residual noise .............................................
Set level sensitivity......................................................
Frequency dial accuracy ..............................................
Second harmonic rejection ..........................................
Automatic null (Hewlett-Packard Models
333A and 334A).......................................................
Fundamental frequency rejection ...............................
Fundamental frequency rejection (alternate
method) ....................................................................
Power supply ................................................................
Final procedure ............................................................
1. Test Instrument
This bulletin provides instructions for the
calibration of Distortion Analyzers AN/URM-184A and Hewlett-Packard, Models 331A,
332A, 333A (With Options) and 334A (With Options). The manufacturers' manuals and
TM 11-6625-1576-15 were used as the prime data sources in compiling these instructions.
The equipment being calibrated will be referred to as the TI (test instrument) throughout
this bulletin.
a. Model Variations
(1) The following options may apply to Hewlett-Packard Models 333A and 334A
(a) Opt 01 provides an indicating meter with VU ballistic characteristics.
(b) Opt 002 and H05 provides a low-pass filter in place of high-pass filter in
Hewlett-Packard Model 334A.
(2) For simplification, test applications only refer to Hewlett-Packard model
numbers throughout text.
b. Time and Technique. The time
required for this
calibration is
approximately 4
hours, using the dc and low frequency technique.