TB 9-6625-142-24
1. Test Instrument Identification.
This bulletin provides instructions for the
manufacturers' manuals were used as the prime data sources in compiling these
instructions. The equipment being calibrated will be referred to as the TI (test instrument)
throughout this bulletin.
a. Model Variations. None.
b. Time and Technique. The time required for this calibration is approximately
1 hour, using the dc and low frequency technique.
2. Forms, Records, and Reports. Forms, records, and reports required for calibration
personnel at all levels are prescribed by TB-750-25.
3. Calibration Description. TI parameters and performance specifications which
pertain to this calibration are listed in table 1.
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
DC voltage
Range: 0 to 600 V
Accuracy: (1.0% of rdg + 1 dgts)
AC voltage
Range: 0 and 600 @ 45 to 500 Hz
Accuracy: (1.5 % of rdg +4 dgts)
DC current
Ranges: 0 to 10 A dc
Range: 200 μA to 200 mA
Accuracy: (1.5 % of rdg + 1 dgts)
Range: 10 A
Accuracy: (2.0 % of rdg + 3 dgts)
AC current
Ranges: 0 to 10 A @ 45 to 500 Hz
Range: 200 μA to 200 mA
Accuracy: (2.0 % of rdg +4 dgts)
Range: 10 A
Accuracy: (2.5 % of rdg + 4 dgts)
Range: 0 to 20 MΩ
Range: 200 to 200 kΩ
Accuracy: (1.0 % of rdg + 4 dgts)
Range: 2 MΩ
Accuracy: (1.5 % of rdg + 4 dgts)
Range: 20 MΩ
Accuracy: (2.0 % of rdg + 5 dgts)
Battery test
Ranges: 1.5 V and 9 V
Accuracy: (3.5 % of rdg + 2 dgts)