TB 9-6625-1914-24
(8) Adjust signal generator for AM modulation operation.
(9) Adjust frequency and amplitude controls of function generator no. 1 as
necessary to provide amplitude modulation of at least 90 percent at 50 kHz. A signal pip
should now appear at 50 kHz intervals across crt display.
(10) Adjust TI FINE TUNE frequency control to align one of the 50 kHz signal pips
with the -4 graticule line. Readjust signal generator output amplitude as necessary.
Observe that the eighth signal pip to the right aligns within 0.8 division of the +4
graticule line.
(11) Set TUNING STABILIZER to ON (up) and repeat (10) above.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect signal generator to TI RF INPUT connector.
(2) Adjust signal generator for cw operation at 100 MHz.
(3) Position TI controls as listed in (a) through (e) below.
(d) SCAN WIDTH PER DIVISION switch to 5 MHz.
(4) Position IF plug-in LOG REF LEVEL switch to -20 dBm and VIDEO FILTER
switch to OFF.
necessary to center signal pip and place peak of pip at top graticule on crt.
(6) Reduce setting of SCAN WIDTH PER DIVISION switch to 100 kHz and
(7) Set IF plug-in SCAN TIME PER DIVISION switch to 0.2 second and VIDEO
FILTER switch to 100 Hz. Noise level, displayed by 3 divisions or more away from crt
center, will be at least 70 dB below signal peak set in (5) above.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.