TB 9-6625-1914-35
(3) Adjust FREQUENCY control until upward slope of signal pip intersects
CENTER FREQUENCY graticule line
one division from top graticule line as
shown in
figure 10. Note
where slope of
display intersects center horizontal graticule line.
(4) Multiply horizontal displacement noted in (3) above by the setting of the SCAN
WIDTH PER DIVISION switch to convert horizontal displacement into Hz.
(0.2 kHz) x (0.2 div) = 40 Hz
0.2 kHz = setting of SCAN WIDTH PER DIVISION switch
0.2 div = horizontal displacement from (3) above
(5) Calculate demodulation sensitivity by dividing vertical displacement in divisions
into horizontal displacement in Hz calculated in (4) above.
40 Hz
= 13.3 Hz/div
3 div
(6) Set SCAN WIDTH (red) switch to ZERO and adjust FREQUENCY FINE
TUNE control for a response level within the calibrated 3-division range (1 division
from top to center horizontal graticule line).
(7) Measure p-p deviation and multiply demodulation sensitivity obtained in (5)
above. The stabilized residual FM calculated must be less than 20 Hz p-p.
0.5 div p-p signal deviation x 13.3 Hz/div = p-p residual FM