TB 9-6625-2021-24
Input Sensitivity Check
10. 10 Hz to 250 MHz Frequency and 1 M
a. Performance Check
(1) Press RESOLUTION Hz pushbutton to 10, adjust SAMPLE RATE control to
midposition, and set RANGE switch to 10 Hz-250 MHz.
Throughout the remainder of this check, press RESOLUTION
Hz pushbuttons as necessary.
(2) Connect function generator output to TI INPUT 1 M
using a 50
eedthrough termination.
(3) Set function generator for a sinewave, 10 Hz, 1 mVp-p, 50
output. Slowly
increase function generator amplitude until TI displays a stable indication of applied frequency.
If function generator amplitude exceeds 141 mVp-p, perform b below.
(4) Set function generator amplitude to 141 mVp-p.
(5) Increment function generator frequency from 10 Hz to 10 MHz, allowing
sufficient time for TI to stabilize between increments. If TI does not display a stable
indication for each applied frequency, perform b below.
(6) Disconnect function generator and 50
feedthrough termination from TI.
using a 50
(7) Connect signal generator output to TI INPUT 1 M
(8) Set signal generator frequency to 10 MHz and output level to 50 dBm. Slowly
increase signal generator output level until. TI displays a stable indication of applied frequency.
If signal generator output level exceeds 13 dBm, perform b below.
(9) Set signal generator output level to 13 dBm.
(10) Increment signal generator frequency from 10 to 250 MHz, allowing sufficient
time between increments for TI to stabilize. If TI does not display a stable indication for
b. Adjustments
using a 50
(1) Connect signal generator output to TI INPUT 1 M
(2) Set signal generator frequency to 100 MHz and level output to 13 dBm.
(3) Press RESOLUTION Hz pushbutton to 100 and adjust A3R10 (fig. 1) until a
stable count is displayed (R).