TB 9-6625-2024-35
(4) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 2.0. If third marker is not within 3.7
divisions of center graticule line, perform b below.
(5) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 6.0. Set DLY TIME switch to 20 s; if
seventh marker is not within 3.3 divisions of center graticule line and b was not
performed in (4) above, perform b below.
(6) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 9.0. If 10th marker is not within 4.3
divisions of center graticule line and b was not performed in (4) or (5) above, perform b
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust DELAY TIME MULT dial to 1.0.
(2) Pull DLY TIME switch to PULL FOR INTENS and adjust horizontal
position control to align one time marker per division division. If intensified portion of
sweep displayed on oscilloscope does not start on second time marker, adjust R576
DLY'D START (fig. 4) so intensified portion of sweep starts at second time marker.
(3) Adjust DELAY TIME MULTI dial to 9.0. If intensified portion of sweep does
not start on 10th time marker, adjust R572 DLY'D STOP (fig. 4) so intensified portion of
sweep starts at 10th time marker.
(4) Adjust DELAY TIME MULTI dial to 1.0 and push DLY TIME switch to
PUSH FOR DLY'D. If second time marker does not start at the beginning of delayed
sweep, adjust R576 (fig. 4) so second time marker starts at the beginning of delayed
sweep (R).
(5) Adjust DELAY TIME MULTI dial to 9.0. If time marker does not start at
the beginning of delayed sweep, adjust R572 (fig. 4) so 10th time marker starts at the
beginning of delayed sweep (R).
Interaction exists between adjustments R576 and R572.
Repeat b(4) and (5) above as necessary for best compromise.
(6) Repeat a(1) through (6).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.