TB 9-6625-2134-24
Table 1. Calibration Description Continued.
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
Frequency response and
Band 7; 26 to 40 GHz
3.0 dB
6.0 dB
Band 8; 40 to 60 GHz`
3.0 dB
6.0 dB
flatness (option 01)
Band 9; 60 to 90 GHz
3.0 dB
Band 10; 90 to 140 GHz
3.0 dB
Band 11; 140 to 220 GHz
Dependent on external mixer
Frequency response is measured with RF attenuation >10 dB and peaking
optimized for each center frequency setting, when applicable. Response
includes the effects of input VSWR, mixing mode (n), gain variation,
preselector, and mixer. Display flatness is typically 1 dB greater than the
frequency response.
IF frequency
Band and
LO range (MHz) and
FREQ range
1st IF (MHz)
1 (0 to 1.8 GHz)
2072 to 6272 (1 -)
2 (1.7 to 5.5 GHz)
2529 to 6329 (1-)
3 (3.0 to 7.1 GHz)
5171 to 6271 (1+)
4 (5.4 to 21.0 GHz)
2072 to 6276 (3-)
5 (15 to 21 GHz)1
4309 to 6309 (3+)
6 (18 to 26 GHz)1
2655 to 3988 (6+)
7 (26 to 40 GHz)
2443 to 3793 (10+)
8 (40 to 60 GHz)1
3792 to 5790 (10+)
9 (60 to 90 GHz)
3861 to 5862 (15+)
10 (90 to 140 GHz)1
3823 to 5997 (23+)
11 (140 to 220 GHz)
3728 to 5890 (37+)
Display modes
10 dB/div, 2 dB/div, linear, and delta A
Display reference level
Range: -123 to +40 dBm (+40 dBm includes 10 dB of IF gain reduction).
+30 dBm or 1 W is the maximum safe input for 10 dB/div and 2 dB/div log
modes. 20 nV/div to 2 V/div (1 W maximum safe input) in linear mode.
display mode, reference level, frequency band and response. Refer to
accuracies of these characteristics. The input RF attenuator steps 10 dB
for reference level changes above -30 dBm or -20 dBm when the MIN
NOISE mode is active unless the MIN RF ATTEN setting is greater than
normal. The IF gain increases 10 dB for each 10 dB reference level change
below -30 dBm (-20 dBm for MIN NOISE mode).
Steps: 10 dB, 1 dB, and 0.25 dB for relative (Δ) measurements in log mode.
1, 2, 5 sequence and 1 dB equivalent increments in LIN mode.
Display dynamic
Range: 80 dB at 10 dB/div and 16 dB for 1 to 9 dB/div and 8 divisions for
linear mode.
Accuracy: 1.0 dB/10 dB to a maximum cumulative error of 2.0 dB over
the 80 dB window and 0.4 dB/2 dB to a maximum cumulative error of
1.0 dB over the 16 dB window. LIN mode is 5% of full screen.
RF attenuator
Range: 0 to 60 dB in 10 dB steps.
Dc to 4 GHz:
Within 0.3 dB/10 dB to a maximum of 0.7 dB over the 60 dB range
4 to 18 GHz :
Within 0.5 dB/10 dB to a maximum of 1.4 dB over the 60 dB range
See footnotes at end of table.