TB 9-6625-2215-35
Test instrument
Performance specifications
Hewlett-Packard, Model 5303A
Channel A: Dc to 500 MHz
Channel B: 10 Hz to 50 MHz
100 mV rms: Channel A
50 mV rms: Channel B, 20 Hz to 10 MHz
100 mV rms: Channel B, 10 Hz to 50 MHz
Hewlett-Packard, Model 5303B
Time base
Frequency: 10 MHz (nominal) exact frequency varies with
Stability: Aging rate: <1.2 parts in 106/year
Line voltage: < 5 parts in 108 for 10% line variation
525 MHz channel: Dc to 525 MHz
80 MHz channel: 50 Hz to 80 MHz
525 MHz channel:
100 mV rms: Dc to 500 MHz
125 mV rms: 500 to 525 MHz
80 MHz channel:
25 mV rms: 100 Hz to 50 MHz
50 mV rms: 50 to 100 Hz, and 50 to 80 MHz
Hewlett-Packard, Model 5304A
Range: 0 to 10 MHz (dc coupled)
100 Hz to 10 MHz (ac coupled)
25 mV rms: 0 to 1 MHz
50 mV rms: 1 to 10 MHz
Hewlett-Packard, Model 5306A
Dc voltage
Range: 0 to 1000 V in 3 ranges
Accuracy: 10 and 100 V ranges: (0.03% of reading +0.003%
of range)
1000 V range: (0.097% of reading +0.03% of range)
Ac voltage
Range: 0 to 1000 V in 3 ranges
Accuracy: 10 V range: 40 Hz to 10 kHz (0.98% of reading +0.02%
of range); 10 to 100 kHz (0.98% of reading +0.02% of
100 and 1000 V range: 40 to 500 Hz (1.5% of
reading +0.05% of range)
Range: 10 kΩ, 100 kΩ, and 10 MΩ,
Accuracy: 10 and 100 kΩ, (0.5% of reading +0.003% of range)
10 MΩ range, (0.75% of reading +0.003% of range)
calibrated above 500 MHz.
4. Equipment
Required. Table 2 identifies the
specific equipment to be
used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Transfer Calibration
Standards Set AN/GSM-286 or AN/GSM-705. Alternate items may be used by the