TB 9-6625-2216-24
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect function/arbitrary generator 50 Ω output to INPUT A, using 50 Ω
(2) Adjust function/arbitrary generator frequency to 10 Hz and slowly increase
output until TI displays a stable indication of applied frequency. Function/arbitrary generator
output will not exceed 25 mV rms.
(3) Repeat technique of (2) above, varying function/arbitrary generator frequency
from 10 Hz to 10 MHz. Function/arbitrary generator output will not exceed 25 mV rms.
(4) Substitute signal generator for function/arbitrary generator, using termination.
(5) Press RESOLUTION pushbutton 10 Hz N = 1 (in).
100 MHz. Signal generator output will not exceed 25 mV rms.
(7) Substitute function/arbitrary generator for signal generator.
(8) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) Press SEP/COM A pushbutton to COM A (in).
(b) Press FREQ A/START A pushbutton (out).
(c) Press 1 HZ N = 100 (in).
(9) Adjust function/arbitrary generator frequency to 10 Hz and slowly increase
output until TI displays 1.00. Function/arbitrary generator output will not exceed 25 mV rms.
(10) Repeat technique of (9) above, varying function/arbitrary generator frequency
from 10 Hz to 2.5 MHz. Function/arbitrary generator output will not exceed 25 mV rms.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.