TB 9-6625-2271-50
(7) Set calibrator frequency to 1 kHz.
(8) Press TI RATIO key. RATIO light will be extinguished.
(9) Press TI FILTERS LP 80 key then RATIO key to establish reference at 1 kHz.
(10) Set calibrator frequency to 75.99 kHz. TI will indicate >70.7 percent.
(11) Set calibrator frequency to 84.01 kHz. TI will indicate <70.7 percent.
(12) Set calibrator frequency to 1 kHz.
(13) Press TI RATIO key. RATIO light will be extinguished.
(14) Press TI FILTERS LP 220 key then RATIO key to establish reference at 1
(15) Set calibrator frequency to 199.9 kHz. TI will indicate >70.7 percent.
(16) Set calibrator frequency to 240.1 kHz. TI will indicate <70.7 percent.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
12. Distortion Measurement Accuracy
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect TI OUTPUT HIGH to INPUT HIGH using short shielded cable.
(2) Connect calibrator OUTPUT HI and LO to TI INPUT LOW .
(3) Press keys and enter values using DATA ENTRY keys as listed in (a) through
(h) below:
(d) 21 Hz.
(f) 1 V.
(h) dB.
(4) Set calibrator for a 1 mV, 222 Hz output. If TI indication is not between -
59 and -61 dB, perform b below.
(5) Press TI SOURCE FREQ key and enter 1 kHz using DATA ENTRY keys. If
TI indication is not between -59 and -61 dB, perform b below.
(6) Repeat technique of (5) above using TI SOURCE FREQ settings and