TB 9-6625-2287-35
(16) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to A-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for 0.03 V ac
output and then adjust adjustment number 4 for a TI indication between .025 and .035 V ac
(ideal .03 V ac) (R).
(17) Adjust calibrator for 0.09 V ac output and then adjust adjustment number 5 for
a TI indication between .085 and .095 V ac (ideal .09 V ac) (R).
(18) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to .03-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for .028 V ac
output and then adjust adjustment number 6 for a TI indication between .0265 and .0295 V
ac (ideal .028 V ac) (R).
Adjustment numbers 7 through 9 are located from rear to front
on left side of TI cabinet.
(19) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to .01-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for .009 V ac
output and then adjust adjustment number 7 for a TI indication between .0085 and 0.0095
V ac (ideal .009 V ac) (R).
(20) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to .003-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for
0.0028 V ac output and then adjust adjustment number 8 for a TI indication between
.00265 and .00295 V ac (ideal .0028 V ac: ) (R).
(21) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to .001-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for 0.0009
V ac output and then adjust adjustment number 9 for a TI indication between .0008 and
.001 V ac (ideal .0009 V ac) (R).
(22) Disconnect RF probe from calibrator.
Perform (23) through (33) below for AN/URM-145A
(ME-247A/U) (Boonton, Model 91CA) with serial number 2661
and above.
Adjustment numbers 1 through 6 are located from front to rear
on right side of TI cabinet.
Ensure RF probe is connected to calibrator WIDEBAND
OUTPUT before proceeding to (23) below.
(23) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to 1-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for 0.3 V ac
output at 300 kHz and then adjust adjustment number 1 for TI meter indication between
0.25 and 0.35 (ideal 0.3 V ac).
(24) Set RANGE-FULL-SCALE switch to 3-VOLTS. Adjust calibrator for 2.5 V ac
output and then adjust adjustment number 2 for a TI indication between 2.35 and 2.65 V ac
(ideal 2.5 V ac) (R).