TB 9-6625-2293-24
(9) Return CH 1 VOLTS/DIV VAR control to detent position.
Controls adjusted in (4) through (7) above should not be moved
during the balance of this procedure. If they are accidentally
moved, repeat the procedure from the beginning.
(10) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 1
using a Xl0, and X2 attenuator.
(11) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a CHAN 1, EDGE mode output of 600 mV at
(12) Adjust TRIGGER LEVEL control for a stable display and rotate oscilloscope
calibrator knob below EDIT field pushbutton to adjust waveform to 5 divisions of vertical
deflection on TI.
(13) Adjust CRT TERMINATION R1501 (fig 2) for best flat top approximately 5 ns
past rising edge of waveform. Squeezing the output leads of the termination inductors
(LR1513 and LR1514) (fig. 2) toward each other will reduce the spike which may be present
approximately 6 ns behind the leading edge.
(14) A d j u s t C 4 0 4 a n d R 4 0 3 ( f i g 1 ) a l te r n a te l y f o r b e s t f l a t to p o n f i r s t 1 0 n s
o f waveform.
(15) Repeat technique of (12) and (13) above as necessary for best flat top over first
20 ns of waveform.
(16) Adjust GAIN (R638) (fig 1) and VERTICAL CENTERING (R639) (fig. 1) to align
cursors with dotted 0 percent and 100 percent graticule lines.
(17) Press ΔV pushbutton off (cursors off ).
(18) Adjust R411, C403, and HF ADJUST R417 (fig. 1) alternately for best square
front corner and best flat top of waveform. If front corner is overshot, adjust small coil
(19) Move connection from CH 1 to CH 2.
(20) Press VERTICAL MODE CH 1 pushbutton to off and VERTICAL MODE CH
2 pushbutton to on.
(21) Repeat technique of (14) and (18) above for CH 2. Switch between CH 1 and CH
2 as necessary, until both CH 2 and CH 1 aberrations are minimized. When minimized,
leave CH 2 selected.
(22) Connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE CHAN 1 to TI CH 2.
(23) Set oscilloscope calibrator LEVEL SINE mode for a 50 kHz output and adjust
amplitude for 6 divisions of vertical deflection. Adjust A and B SEC/DIV switch and CH 2
POSITION controls for suitable viewing.
To perform step below; press oscilloscope calibrator EDIT
FIELD pushbutton as required to place underline under one of