TB 9-6625-2293-35
Table 1. Calibration Description - Continued
Test instrument parameters
Performance specifications
A sweep
Range: 500 ms/div to 5 ns/div extended to 0.5 ns with X10 mag
Accuracy: 500 and 200 ms/div (1.2% of time interval + 0.6% of FS)
100 ms to 5 ns/div (0.7% of time interval + 0.6% of FS)
X10 mag: (1.2% of time interval + 0.6% of FS)
B Sweep
Range: 50 ms/div to 5 ns/div extended to 0.5 ns with X10 mag
Accuracy: (0.7% of time interval + 0.6% of FS)
X10 mag: (1.2% of time interval + 0.6% of FS)
A sweep delta time with cursors
Accuracy: (0.5% of time interval + 0.3% of FS)
X10 mag: (1% of time interval + 0.3 % of FS)
Delta time with sweep delay
Accuracy: (0.3% of time interval + 0.1% of FS)
Delay sweep
Accuracy: (0.3% of delay setting + 0.6% of FS) + 0 to -25 ns
With internal 50 Ω
switch setting
Dc to 100 MHz
2 mV
Dc to 300 MHz
5 mV or greater
CH 4
0.1 V or 0.5 V
Dc to 300 MHz
Ac coupled lower -3 dB point
10 Hz or less
Range: 0.4 V
Output voltage
Accuracy: 1% into 1 M Ω load
Repetition period
Range: two times the A SEC/DIV setting for SEC/DIV from 200
ns to 200 ms
Accuracy: 0.1%, during sweep time
4. Equipment
Required. Table 2 identifies the
specific equipment to be
used in this
calibration procedure. This equipment is issued with Secondary Transfer Calibration
Standards Set AN/GSM-286, AN/GSM-287 and AN/GSM-705. Alternate items may be used
by the calibrating activity. The items selected must be verified to perform satisfactorily
prior to use and must bear evidence of current calibration. The equipment must meet or
exceed the minimum use specifications listed in table 2. The accuracies listed in table 2
provide a four-to-one ratio between the standard and TI.
5. Accessories Required. The
accessories required for this
calibration are common
usage accessories issued as indicated in paragraph 4 above and are not listed in this
calibration procedure. The following peculiar accessories are also required for this
calibration: Standardizer 5-80 pF.