TB 9-6625-2295-24
Throughout this paragraph the INTENSITY and POSITION
controls may be adjusted as necessary for proper viewing of
displayed signal.
(3) Connect multimeter HI to TI CALIBRATOR output (front panel) and LO to
chassis ground.
(4) Set multimeter to measure dc volts.
(5) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. The display
readout will indicate ADJ ', (step) 0, CH 1 PROBE TO FRONT SIDE OF R489.
(6) Connect X10 probe from CH 1 to front side of R489 (TP800) (located at rear of
A1 main board near readout connector).
(7) Adjust ' REF OR DLY POS control to center signal on displayed cursor, and
adjust ' control to join traces.
(8) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. Check display
readout indicates ADJ ' (step) 1, 100 Ps (for A sweep), 1 Ps (for B sweep), and multimeter
indicates 0 l mV dc.
(9) Disconnect X10 probe and connect oscilloscope calibrator SOURCE/MEASURE
CHAN 1 to TI CH 1.
(10) Set oscilloscope calibrator for a CHAN 1, MARKER mode output of .1 ms.
(11) Set CH 1 VOLTS/DIV switch and adjust TRACE SEP and CH 1 vertical
POSITION controls to view main sweep, with time markers on top half of crt and delayed
B sweep on bottom half of crt.
(12) Adjust POSITION control to start main sweep at left vertical graticule line
and adjust ' REF OR DLY POS and ' controls to align both intensified dots on 6th time
marker on main sweep and superimpose delayed B sweep time markers.
(13) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton. Multimeter will
indicate between 398 and 402 mV dc, and display readout will indicate ADJ ' (step) 2, 100
Ps, 1 Ps.
(14) Disconnect multimeter from TI and adjust ' REF OR DLY POS control to
intensify 2d time marker.
(15) Adjust ' control to intensify 10th time marker and superimpose delayed B
sweep time markers within 0.2 division.
(16) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.
(17) Display readout will indicate ADJ ', (step) 3, 300 Ps, 1 Ps.
(18) Adjust ' REF OR DLY POS control to intensify 4th time marker and ' control
to intensify 28th time marker and superimpose delayed B sweep markers within 1 division.
(19) Press and release upper TRIGGER COUPLING pushbutton.