TB 9-6625-2297-24
(20) Calculate the power reference oscillator output level using formula below. If
calculated power reference oscillator output level is not between 0.988 and 1.012 mW,
perform b below.
2 VCOMP (V1-V0) +V02-V12
V0 = Value recorded in (16) above
V1 = Value recorded in (17) above
VCOMP = Value recorded in (19) above
R = Value recorded in (5) above
Calibration Factor = Value for thermistor mount at 50 MHz
b. Adjustments
(1) Adjust R114 (fig. 1) slightly and repeat 11 a above until calculated power
reference oscillator output level is between 0.988 and 1.012 mW (R).
a. Deenergize and disconnect all equipment.
b. Annotate and affix DA label/form in accordance with TB 750-25.
9/(10 Blank)