TB 9-6625-2308-40
(3) Under the "Standard Sensor" tab, select either the F1116 for low frequencies
(100 kHz to 100 MHz) or the F1109 for high frequencies (10 MHz to 18 GHz). If calibrating
TI's with the 3.5 mm, select the F1135 for frequencies from 10 MHz to 26.5 GHz.
(4) Under the "Source Amp" tab, select the frequency source for the frequency
range needed.
(5) Under "Test Points" tab, use default to range of signal source. If two runs are
needed, uncheck the ones the first generator will not cover. Verify and check/uncheck
options to add or remove points as needed.
(6) Under "UUT Monitor" tab, check Direct Reading Power Meter (IEEE
Controlled). If using Thermistor mounts, use the 432A, 1806, or 1830A.
(7) Under "STD Monitor" tab, check Bridge Type Power Meter and check Tegam
(8) Under "Data Format" tab, leave all checked.
(9) Under "Uncertainty" tab, check Report Measurement Uncertainty on data sheet.
Check the Fail UUT Sensor box if previous data differs by more than the reported
(10)Under "History" tab, leave both options checked. Exit Test Profile.
(11)Select the Edit Flexible Standards icon.
Under the Flexible Standards list, choose a Power
Monitor 1. This is usually the Multimeter connected to the
No. 1 or the standard being used. Power Monitor 2 is the
one connected to the TI. Also choose the signal source(s)
needed as High Frequency Source and Low Frequency
(12)Click Choose from Detected Resources. Check the resource needed if it is on the
list. Once a resource is selected, the driver screen is displayed; select the model from the
driver list.
(13)If the driver is not on the driver list, choose Scan for Resources. Select the
resource needed then select the model from the driver list. If uncertain of which one to
choose, check the IP address on the device.
(14)Zero and Cal all sensors and Power meters.
(15)Click on Start Test, and the Test Profile page is displayed listing all data and
standards selected. Verify and select OK.
(16)The next screen is Need Data File for Standard Sensor. Select the file from the
list and locate the serial number of the sensor being used. Verify the calibration date is
still good.
(17)The next screen is Need Data File for UUT. Select Proceed without Data or
select the existing data file to be used.