TB 9-6625-2308-40
(5) Under "Unit Under Test" tab, the options should default to TI. Verify that the
connector type is correct and change if not. Verify the impedance, terminating or
feedthrough, frequency range, and power range.
(6) Under "Measurement" tab, default, verify the frequency range is covered. Verify
correct connector size: Port 1 connector size and male and Port 2 connector size and female.
(7) Under the "Standards" tab, click on the "PNA Port Details" tab.
Check the
Port 2, Port 1 male, Port 2 female options. Check e-cal sensor.
(8) Under "Test Points" tab, use default to range of signal source.
Verify and
check/uncheck options to add or remove points as needed.
(9) Under "Uncertainty" tab, check Report Measurement Uncertainty on data sheet.
Check Use Expanded Uncertainty (2-Sigma, 95%).
(10)Under "Data Options" tab, leave blank or use operator's option.
(11)Return to Test Manager.
(12)Click the Edit Flexible Standards icon.
(13)Check the generic name of the standard, i.e. Power Monitor 1.
(14)Click Choose From Detected Resources.
(15)Click on the standard if shown.
If standard is not shown, click "Scan for
Equipment Resources" tab.
(16)Once a standard is selected, the driver screen drops down; select a driver,
i.e. E8364C.
(17)Repeat for all standards needed. Exit when finished.
(18)Click the Start Test icon.
(19)The RF component test summary screen appears. Verify and click OK.
(20)The next screen is Need Data File for UUT sensor. Select Proceed Without Data
or select the existing data file to be used.
(21)The next screen is Select S-parameter Test. Select the E8364 ( ); select E-Cal
kit; and then select the N4690-60004 N E-Cal kit. Use Default for Sure-Cal.
(22)Follow on-screen instructions.
(23)Once the test is completed, save the data.
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
a. Performance Check
Zero and cal the sensors before the test is started.
(1) Select Edit Test Profile and enter password if password protected.
(2) Under the "UUT Sensor" tab, verify the connector type is correct and change if