TB 9-6625-2337-24
Test instrument
Performance specifications
Pulse Width:
0.45 0.03 μs
Range Delay:
For zero range delay, F1 pulse
position is 3.0 0.5 μs after P3 pulse of
challenge. F1 pulse can be delayed from 0
to 4095 μs after this position. Accuracy
is 0.5 μs up to 1023 μs and 0.8 μs from
1024 to 4995 μs.
SIF Code Spacing:
F1 (bracket 1) 0 μs
C1 1.45 0.02 μs
A1 2.90 0.02 μs
C2 4.35 0.02 μs
A2 5.80 0.02 μs
C4 7.25 0.02 μs
A4 8.70 0.02 μs
B1 11.60 0.02 μs
D1 13.05 0.02 μs
B2 14.50 0.02 μs
D2 15.95 0.02 μs
B4 17.40 0.02 μs
D4 18.85 0.02 μs
F2 (bracket 1) 20.30 0.02 μs
SIF Reply with X Pulse: An X pulse spaced 10.15
0.02 μs after the F1
SIF Emergency Replies:
Each mode code is followed by
three sets of empty bracket
pulses (F1, F2) with F1 and F2
spaced 20.30 μs apart and each
F1 pulse spaced 4.35 1.0 μs
after its proceeding F2 pulse.
Selectable to vary spacing between all
emergency code empty brackets F1 pulses
and their proceeding F2 pulses by 1.00 μs
0.05 μs.
SID Identification of Position:
For Mode 1 add second pulse train
identical to first spaced 24.65 0.1 μs after
F1 pulse of first pulse train.
For Modes 2,3/A and C add single F1 pulse (SIF pulse) at this