TB 9-6625-2340-35
(a) REFERENCE LEVEL, 19.9, -dBm.
(b) MARKER ∆.
(c) MARKER ∆.
(84) Set step attenuators to 15 dB.
(85) Press TI REFERENCE LEVEL, 17.9, and -dBm keys.
(86) Set step attenuators to 13 dB.
(87) TI MKR ∆ LVL as indicated by TI annotation should be .00 0.5 dB.
(88) Press TI REFERENCE LEVEL, 15.9, and -dBm keys.
(89) Set step attenuators to 11 dB.
(90) TI MKR ∆ LVL as indicated by TI annotation should be .00 0.5 dB.
(91) Press TI REFERENCE LEVEL, 11.9, and -dBm keys.
(92) Set step attenuators to 7 dB.
(93) TI MKR ∆ LVL as indicated by TI annotation should be .00 0.5 dB.
(94) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(b) SHIFT.
(c) AUTOA.
(d) REFERENCE LEVEL, 19.9, -dBm.
(95) Set step attenuators to 13 dB.
(96) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (c) below:
REFERENCE LEVEL, 18, and -dBm.
(97) Set step attenuators to 11 dB.
(98) Adjust A4A5R51 (fig. 15) for a TI MKR ∆ LVL indication of -0.10 dB (R).
(99) Remove attenuators from hookup.
(100) Connect TI CAL OUTPUT to TI RF INPUT.
(101) Press TI keys as listed in (a) and (b) below:
2-22 GHz.
(102) Set TI FREQ ZERO control to midrange.
(103) Adjust A4A5C10 (fig. 15) to peak signal trace on TI .
(104) Press TI keys as listed in (a) through (d) below:
RES BW, 100, Hz.