TB 9-6625-967-35
h. Turn CH1 and CH2 VARIABLE VOLTS/DIV controls to CALIB.
Unless otherwise specified, verify the results of each test and
take corrective action whenever the test requirement is not
8. Output Dc Level
a. Performance Check
(1) Connect ac/dc voltmeter (A2) between brown (lower) connector on oscilloscope
(A5) crt and chassis ground, using leads supplied with ac/dc voltmeter and two adapters
(B3) (AN/ GSM-256 use two leads and two adapters (B9 and B3) ).
(2) Adjust TI CH1 POSITION control to align oscilloscope trace with center
horizontal graticule line. Record ac/dc voltmeter indication.
(3) Connect ac/dc voltmeter between blue (upper) connector on oscilloscope crt and
chassis ground. Record ac/dc voltmeter indication. If voltage recorded in (2) and (3) does
not average +180 volts dc for type 3A1 and +190 volts dc for type 3A6, perform b below.
b. Adjustments. Repeat a(1) through (3) above and adjust OUTPUT DC LEVEL
R328 (fig. 1) for +180 volts dc for type 3A1, or R346 (fig. 1) for +190 volts dc for type 3A6.
9. Trigger Dc Level
a. Performance Check
(1) Pull out TI TRIGGER (CHI ONLY PULL) switch.
(2) Connect ac/dc voltmeter (A2) between oscilloscope (A5) pin 12 of interconnecting
plug (horizontal) and chassis ground, using leads supplied with ac/dc voltmeter and two
adapters (B3) (AN/GSM-256 use two leads and two adapters (B9 and B3) ). If ac/dc
voltmeter does not indicate between -0.4 and +0.4 volt dc, adjust CHAN 1 TRIG DC LEVEL
R171 (fig. 1) to obtain required indication on ac/dc voltmeter.