TB 9-6635-203-35
The actuating handle is retained by a handle latch. When
actuating handle is compressed, handle latch is automatically
released downward. To relatch, compress handle against side
of frame and push handle latch upward into detent in
actuating handle. Then slowly release hand compression (fig.
When relatching, be sure handle latch is in detent before
releasing compression on actuating handle; otherwise, handle
will snap open and may cause personal injury.
g. Indicator dial will
read within 2
percent of
reading stamped on
calibration bar.
h. Compress actuating handle and
remove calibration bar, carefully relatching
actuating handle.
j. Tare weight of hanger assembly (A3) must be included as part of the total weight
used in each test.
8. Dial Indicating Tensiometer
a. Performance Check
(1) Rotate knurled rim of indicator dial on TI until pointer indicates the cable
diameter being used.
(2) Rotate cable size-gage on TI ccw against the stop pin.
(3) Increase tension on cable by adding weights from balance weight sets or
standard weight set (A1, A2, or A4) to hanger assembly until total weight (tare weight plus
added weight) equals 25 pounds.
(4) Apply TI to cable (B1) by compressing actuating handle and making certain that
cable is aligned in the jaws and against jaw base (fig. 1).
(5) Slowly release compression until riser block and sectors (fig. 1) are firmly
gripping cable. Release compression entirely.