TB 9-6685-331-50
(7) When MANH is indicated, enter the first six digits of the resistance reading
obtained in 16d above. Press ENTER key.
(8) Enter the remaining six digits of Ro at the MANL prompt. This could be all
zeros. Press ENTER key.
(9) When EXPO is prompted, be sure 00 appears in the Data Values window.
Press ENTER.
(10) The Data Values window will indicate the six most significant digits of Ro.
Press ENTER key to confirm the reading and continue.
(11) Press the EXIT key, and when EXT appears press YES to confirm. PANL
will be indicated on the TI read-out.
(12) Remove the configuration panel from the TI. The TI will cycle through self-
check procedure and then return to the measurement mode.
(13) Press C on the keyboard to read the ice point in degrees Celsius. Record
measuremen (14) Press F on the keyboard to read the ice point in degrees
Fahrenheit. Record reading.
(15) Ice Point t accuracy is .1o plus .1 percent of reading.
b. Adjustment. No adjustment can be made. If out of tolerance, return TI with
temperature probe to the Primary Lab, Redstone Arsenal, Alabama.
18. Calibration of Temperature Range
(-25 oC to 250 0C).
a. Performance Check
Calibrating the temperature range of the TI using the 4101-
X10 probe consists of comparing the TI set up against the
reference standard such as the Automatic Systems
Laboratories, Model F26. Points for comparison are -25 oC, 50 oC, 100
and 250 oC
(1) Place the TI and the F26 probes into the temperature bath. Set the bath for -25 oC and
allow at least 30 minutes for temperature stablization.
(2) When the temperature stabilizes, record the readings of the TI and the
laboratory standard. The TI should read within 0.25 degrees of the standard.