TB 9-6695-288-35
(2) Position controls as listed in (a) through (c) below:
(a) FUNCTION switch to OSC LEVEL.
(b) FREQUENCY switches to 2.0 x 10.
(c) OSCILLATOR LEVEL switch to 3 V and vernier control for a 3 V
indication on TI meter
(3) Position calibration fixture controls as listed in (a) through (d) below:
(b) ADJUST FOR NULL-COARSE and FINE controls centered.
(c) MODE pushbutton to FLAT (out).
(d) ATTEN pushbutton to 0 dB (out).
(4) Set spectrum analyzer CENTER FREQUENCY to 20 Hz, FREQUENCY
SPAN to 100 Hz, and IMPEDANCE to 1 MΩ.
(5) Adjust spectrum analyzer to indicate center frequency and record amplitude.
(6) Press calibration fixture MODE pushbutton to NOTCH (in).
(7) On 20 Hz measurements only, press calibration fixture ATTEN pushbutton to
-60 dB (in).
(8) Adjust spectrum analyzer to indicate second harmonic. Record amplitude.
(9) Record difference between amplitude recorded in (8) above and amplitude
recorded in (5) above. This is second harmonic amplitude.
(10) Adjust spectrum analyzer to indicate third harmonic. Record amplitude.