Table 3-15--Continued
Test equipment control
Rf head control
Possible cause
positions or operation
positions or operation
Normal indication
of malfunction
Corrective measure
HV limit circuit (R1403,
surement of an active
R1404 and R1405) out
source, below 15 GHz in
of adjustment or defec-
chapter 2, section III, of
TM9-4931-294-15/1) in
place of the coaxial termi-
nation at the output of the
setup. Phase-lock signal
source at each of the 11 fre-
quency settings.
Sweep width circuit
(R1406 and R1407) out
of adjustment or defec-
just circuit (R1501,
R1502, R1503, R1506
and R1508) out of ad-
justment or defective.