TB 11-6625-2734-50
(4) Set TI switch S901 (fig. 2) from off (rear
(7) Depress TI HIGH RESOLUTION switch to
position) to normal (center position). If trace shifts on
out position and turn SCAN control fully clockwise.
oscilloscope crt, perform b below.
(8) Set TI TIME-DISTANCE multiplier switch to
(5) Set TI switch S901 to normal (center)
X.1 and TIME/DIV switch to .2 ns.
(9) Position leading edge of trace on
b. Adjustments.
Adjust R945 (fig. 2) for no
shift as S901 is switched from off to normal position.
DISTANCE control.
17. Risetime. a. Performance Check
(10) Depress TI LOCATE switch to out position.
If center of trace on leading edge is not bright, perform
b(4) below.
head (A7), using cable (B6).
b. Adjustments.
(2) Set TI TIME/DIV switch to 20 ps and TIME-
(1) Adjust R594 (fig. 1) to position pulse on
crt. Adjust mV/DIV VARIABLE control for suitable
oscilloscope crt vertical graticule centerline.
(2) Adjust R592 (fig. 1) to position pulse on
(3) Measure rise time, using standard rise-time
oscilloscope crt vertical graticule centerline.
technique. Rise time will be 35 picoseconds or less.
(3) Adjust R618 (fig. 2) for one sweep in 50 or
b. Adjustments. No adjustments can be made.
more seconds.
18. Final Procedure. a. Deenergize and disconnect all
(4) Adjust R677 (fig. 2) to center bright portion
of trace on leading edge of trace.
b. In accordance with TM 38-750, annotate and
16. Correction Memory. a. Performance Check
(1) Depress TI LOCATE switch to in position.
the TI cannot be adjusted within tolerance, annotate and
(2) Connect termination (B10) and cable (B7) to
affix DA Form 2417 (Unserviceable or Limited Use) tag.
sampling head (A7)
(3) Position trace on horizontal graticule
centerline on oscilloscope (A3) crt.